Our mission is to create innovative lasting solutions to fight homelessness, hunger and poverty in Morgan County. Rising Up is developing temporary and permanent solutions and programs that will help individuals
and families rise up from homelessness and poverty and keep hunger at bay.
Rising Up Day Center
As part of the empowerment model, Rising Up offers advocacy and case management program for enrolled clients to address complicated or longer-term needs and help guide people toward economic stability and self-sufficiency.
In addition to being able to provide short-term financial relief, case managers can help clients make a plan for bringing greater stability to their lives — and the lives of their family members. Such planning involves helping clients to access training and educational opportunities, referring them to other support services in the community, and helping them improve life skills such as managing their household finances. For more information, contact Rising Up by calling (970) 370-8880.
Financial Assistance
The primary goal of our Financial Assistance program is to keep people safe and healthy, with a roof over their heads — avoiding the even greater crises that experiencing homelessness would bring. Rising Up helps qualified Morgan County residents with rent/mortgage, utilities, prescriptions, medical co-pays, and other household expenses.
If you are experiencing a household crisis and need help, you must call first at (970)370-8880 to set up an appointment with the advocate.
All applications for financial assistance require specific documents, including proof of financial hardship (documented loss of employment, furlough, reduction of hours, approved unemployment applications, etc.). Not all inquiries will qualify. Only one application per household is permitted.
Rising Up often partners with other local agencies and resources to pool funding and resources that someone may receive.
Street Outreach
The basic goals of the street outreach program are to address immediate needs of safety, provide crisis intervention, and ultimately to connect people to housing, medical and mental health care, public benefits, clothing, food, and other supports.
The street outreach program engages people “where they are” in their own environment such as parks, alleys, vehicles, tents, temporary shelters or under bridges. People living in these settings are often isolated and highly vulnerable due to physical and mental illness—issues that make it difficult for them to seek out services on their own.
This program provides the following services:
Assist people off the streets and into treatment, housing and/or employment
Obtain vital docs including birth certificates, Colorado ID’s, and Social Security cards
Help accessing shelter
Provide basic needs items such as socks, hats, gloves, tooth brushes and coats

Day Center Information
Open Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday from 9am – 4pm
Breakfast available from 9am-10:30am
Lunch available from 11:30am – 12:30 pm
Get Assistance with job searching, searching for housing & accessing community resources
Access to showers